
What for to take offence at a mirror?

Recently has read in a blog at Janey Godley:
Never ask ‘ What are you thinking? ”in case your man does in fact start to tell you. Most men have nothing in their head and just make stuff up like invading Daleks, stories about evil marmosets, sea monkeys and Premier league football...

Simply on one breath there was this post:

Happens so, that one person addresses to another simply to communicate. Naturally, he counts on attention and though there is some warm-heartedness. This quite lawful wish. However, as is known, each person-only a mirror of other person. And those reactions which he can receive from this another, are reflexion of its own inwardness during some moment of time (not necessarily here and now, it is possible in the past).
As a rule, people or do not know about it, or do not wish to take it into consideration. Also that turns out: the person addresses to another with all soul, and in the answer receives... As a result he naturally takes offence at this person. In vain. Unless it is possible to take offence at a mirror if you in it see not that would like?

The best exit from such situations is the best input (pun). If you once and for all get rid of excessive gravity of perception as yourselves, and interlocutors, will not expect in advance from them something, and will accept as there is, everything, that proceeds from the interlocutor, without division into categories "badly-well" you will be comprehended never by disappointment from not justified expectations.

Each person - is a mirror for another
Change itself and the World will change around you

Secret of happy marriage

On our home life, as well as on other spheres of a life, the big influence renders seven planets - managers of days of week.

One of the most suitable periods for family creation is year of the Moon (year when your day of a birth has fallen to Monday), after all the Moon manages a theme of the house, a family, relatives. As a rule, in such year the person has a desire to create a family, to get posterity. The moon - a planet of water elements, and under its influence we shed tears, we are cried about the misfortunes. If you have married or have begun a joint life in the year of the Moon, you receive moral satisfaction from the fact of presence of a family, but not all in your home life will please you. The spouse becomes for you that Moon which will force you to worry, suffer, be cried which will irritate you. It can become and the Moon-comforter, helping to cope with bad mood, to remove a soul pressure.

If the family has developed in a year of the Moon of both spouses, that is both at you, and at your spouse day of the birth previous creation of a family, has fallen to Monday, you will live in perfect harmony or constantly will irritate each other - all depends on level of culture of spouses.

The moon - a planet of household efforts, the ordinary, and your home life can become too ordinary, boring, create for you weight of household difficulties. However, your marriage can and relieve you of those household difficulties which were earlier.

What it is useful to make for preservation of the family created in your year of the Moon? It is necessary to incur the given function: to try to carry out the most part of household homework, to be the careful husband (or the wife), it is more time to spend at a plate, cooking food, after all the Moon manages digestion to try not to irritate the spouse. Show the spouse, that the family is important for you, that you are ready day and night to work for the sake of well-being of your family.

Very favorable year for family creation year of the Sun is (year after your birthday which has fallen to Sunday), after all everything, that begins in such year, brings pleasure. Having married or having begun a joint life in personal year of the Sun, the person will be by all means happy. The spouse becomes for it the sun, a life and inspiration source, can inspire you on creative activity or will help to realise your creative projects. Despite possible time deterioration of relations, you will aspire to keep your family as this marriage will deliver to you much more pleasure, than troubles. In your family for certain there will be also a love, after all this feeling is connected with the Sun, and most likely the spouse will love you more strongly, than you it.

To keep the solar union easily, it is enough to arrange more often houses cheerful holidays, to collect at itself new people, to tell the spouse about the creative projects and original ideas.

It is much more difficult to keep the union created in year of Mars, an aggression planet (within a year after your birthday which has fallen to Tuesday). Under the influence of Mars home life soon starts to remind a battlefield. Having created a family in a year when your day of a birth has fallen to Tuesday, be ready to that the spouse will be not simple you to irritate, and to deduce from itself. The spouse becomes for you a character realizer of Mars, begins to provoke family scandals, quarrels, fights. In your house minutes of calmness and silence will be rare.

Drunkenness of one or both spouses as Mars gives bent for to strong alcoholic drinks becomes frequent a problem of such family. Well, in such union only that the spouse can "warm up" you, stimulating on active actions that is quite good for passive people. The union created under the influence of this planet, can quickly break up. To keep it your activity will help. You need to incur Martian function, to become active, fast, brave. It is necessary, that the spouse saw your activity then it will not have a desire to row.

Having created a family in a year of Venus, (when your day of a birth has fallen to Friday), you will live under the protection of a sensual planet of pleasures, and most likely your union will give to you pleasure. For example, the spouse will be the ideal sexual partner, can buy to you beautiful things, tasty meal, carry out many your desires. Venus manages a material well-being of the person, and the marriage created this year, can relieve you of financial difficulties.

Venus - the needlewoman, and, marrying in the year of Venus, you can receive the spouse - masters on all hands, умельца, capable much to do by the hands. Family preservation will be served by your sensuality and care of the beauty, desire to raise a material prosperity of a family to make a life of the spouse of more pleasant, aspiration to carry out its desire.

Marrying in a year of Mercury (when your birthday has fallen to environment), we most likely make a thoughtless act. Mercury, the ease and changeability planet, gives us desire of changes, helps to dare with ease at the important steps. Or rash your decision to marry was considered, in a year of Mercury you receive a family, spouses in which will be free from mutual obligations. Меркурий gives us love to freedom and disgust for duties.

Having created a family in personal year of Mercury, you will look at the spouse as on a temporary phenomenon, and your family can break up at any moment. In your house there will be no cosiness, an order and calmness. To keep such marriage your ease will help. Show the spouse, that you are not adhered to the house, are tolerant to everything, that occurs in it, do not try to adhere the spouse to yourself, do not consider as its property. Try to make your home life various and more often talk to the spouse, share with it the latest news.

The most difficult home life will get to you if you create a family in a year of Saturn (after your birthday has fallen to Saturday).
This planet demands definiteness, allocates us with duties and feeling of responsibility. The spouse will wait from you for accurate performance of your duties, to supervise each step, becomes your chief. Saturn - a planet of reliability, restrictions, destinies, and very soon you will understand, that your marriage is a destiny. The spouse becomes for you - Saturn - the strict, rational, cool supervisor. Such marriages, as a rule, are durable and exist even after loss of kind feelings to each other. They to keep because of mutual karmic debts.

The home life begun under the influence of Saturn, does not happen idle time, pleasant, it strains, weighs, at the best gives confidence of fidelity of the spouse, sensation of the strong shoulder, the executed debt. Aspiring to keep the marriage, it is necessary to adhere to rules of Saturn strictly: to be fair, honesty to carry out the matrimonial duties and homework, not to change at all and not to speak on such themes, morally to support the spouse, letting to it know, that he can rely on you.

The interesting life waits for you if you have created a family in a year of Jupiter (after that, какВаш birthday has fallen to Thursday).
This planet induces us to be engaged in public work, promotes expansion of a field of activity and influence sphere. Thanks to Jupiter, your family can become working collective. The spouse will stimulate you on activity expansion, will help to deepen your professional interests. Problems of your family can be connected with professional work of the spouse, with its excessive employment by questions of a public life.

Preservation of such family will be promoted by your readiness to participate in professional affairs of the spouse, comprehensively to help and support it, care of formation of the spouse.

In a normal family always two main characters - the husband and the wife. For maintenance of good atmosphere in a family the effort of both spouses is necessary. Insufficiently that only you carried out recommendations about family preservation, it is necessary, that also your spouse has tried to behave how the planet - the manager of its family happiness demands.

About this my blog

The unhappy love does not happen
There is only a misunderstanding of the
Roles in partner relations
Everyone creates the Universe
Change youself and installed to change around you.

It is main object and subject of this my blog.