
What for to take offence at a mirror?

Recently has read in a blog at Janey Godley:
Never ask ‘ What are you thinking? ”in case your man does in fact start to tell you. Most men have nothing in their head and just make stuff up like invading Daleks, stories about evil marmosets, sea monkeys and Premier league football...

Simply on one breath there was this post:

Happens so, that one person addresses to another simply to communicate. Naturally, he counts on attention and though there is some warm-heartedness. This quite lawful wish. However, as is known, each person-only a mirror of other person. And those reactions which he can receive from this another, are reflexion of its own inwardness during some moment of time (not necessarily here and now, it is possible in the past).
As a rule, people or do not know about it, or do not wish to take it into consideration. Also that turns out: the person addresses to another with all soul, and in the answer receives... As a result he naturally takes offence at this person. In vain. Unless it is possible to take offence at a mirror if you in it see not that would like?

The best exit from such situations is the best input (pun). If you once and for all get rid of excessive gravity of perception as yourselves, and interlocutors, will not expect in advance from them something, and will accept as there is, everything, that proceeds from the interlocutor, without division into categories "badly-well" you will be comprehended never by disappointment from not justified expectations.

Each person - is a mirror for another
Change itself and the World will change around you

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