
The first dialogue

Sincere dialogue vital. However to people and it is sometimes not clear, that they really wish, of what think or that feel. But if to ourselves it is not clear, that we want, that we think or we feel, hardly we can accurately transfer thoughts, feelings and desires to another.

The first - and the most important - a dialogue kind is dialogue with itself (and in itself). To communicate with itself - means completely to understand itself. Only the person completely understanding is capable reliably to communicate with others. After all the people, capable to speak hours while somebody will not interrupt them are familiar to you: "I at all do not understand, that you want". Such often happens with those who speaks, not understanding what exactly he wants.

Clear dialogue with itself which forms a basis for all other kinds of dialogue, arises from self-comprehension process. Only having seized ability to communicate with itself accurately, we can undertake clearing of the questions resulting target dialogue with others.

To understand others, in the beginning it is necessary to understand itself.

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