
Magic of whisper

We often believe, that persistence in a statement is capable to inform thought to the interlocutor.

Actually softness of expression, on the verge of whisper (In), will cause in the one who listens to you, a much bigger resonance because the interlocutor will perceive you also on frequency of the channel an In. That is why in many situations it is better to use whisper.

In whisper the special magic is concluded: for certain you know, that the teacher to whom taming of the got naughty class is hardly given, sometimes by means of whisper reach the best results, rather than by means of shout. Whisper forces pupils to become silent, because everyone would like to learn, that such confidential the teacher wishes to tell.

Human nature is inclined to underestimate force an In, i.e. Force of implicitness(softness), force of weakness. The projection, display, expression are connected with man's energy a Jan.

But an In - force so real, as a Jan! The silent voice, a soft touch, easy and simple thought, a vague image can appear more effective, than their Jans equivalents.

Strong having seized a stone, you will feel only strain in muscles, and only it taking easy and gentle, you will feel both a surface structure, and other qualities of a stone. The same is fair and concerning all our feelings, these our parkways of perception. The strong projection is capable to cause resistance, and perceiving the message basically will feel clumsy rigidity of resistance.

But the soft projection creates at listening to attention, readiness to perceive that inform him. Correct dialogue during correct time will help to create a reliable basis of good relations. And still, despite all good intentions, often there is one more question demanding the answer, - a perception question. Peculiar to men and women various power models conduct to various ways of perception of situations and views on world around. It often leads to inconsistency between man's and female perception of a situation.

For example, the woman can perceive problems in such interrelation which the man not only will not understand, but at all will not notice. Irrespective of, the problem if one of partners perceives the fact of existence of a problem "is how much real", and another - is not present, the real problem arises between them. That is why so it is important to men to be sensitive and attentive to similar "trifles". It demands both the correct relation, and desire to pay attention, both the aggravated comprehension, and keenness - in general, all that is called as ability to be attentive.

For this purpose the intuition is required. One people naturally possess more developed intuition, than others. How it is possible to develop this type of comprehension and keenness? And how to aggravate intuition? Keenness comes easily if the body and reason are weakened, and heart is opened. And one more step will required for intuition.

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